Friday, July 16, 2010

Funny Story

I guess I'll be one of those parents who thinks everything their baby does is the cutest, funniest thing in the world...

While we were in the hospital, the nurses kept telling us "when the baby sleeps, you sleep."  So having never been one to challenge authority, I was taking a nap yesterday afternoon while Blaire slept.  I was awakened suddenly by the shrieking of my wife and mother-in-law in the other room, followed by instructions from my wife that I get in there immediately.

As a new parent I find that my mind often conjures up all kinds of outrageous, highly unlikely, worst-case scenarios that might happen to my baby- when I lay her on the bed for a diaper change she's going to fall the moment I reach for a diaper,  I will somehow suffocate her as I try to burp her, she is suddenly going to come down with a here-to-for unknown illness, an ill intentioned person will somehow make off with her- the list goes on.

So of course when I heard the aforementioned screams, I leapt out of bed expecting the worst.  What I found instead was my wife holding a clean diaper in her right had, Blaire's legs in her left, and a stream of an easily identified substance making its way from Blaire's raised, uncovered tush across the couch and down the length of Ally's knee to ankle.  And we're not talking about #1.  Hilarious I say, hilarious.

Practicing her moves for the paparazzi

Baby Pilates

Sleeping like, well, a baby

1 comment:

Jody said...

HAHA! That happened to me once when i was watching a little girl in our ward, except it was all the way across their couch. oops. Made me laugh though. Hope you guys are doing great!